How to avoid mistakes when choosing Social Security Benefits?







    How do you maximize Social Security Benefits in 2024?

    Are you looking to maximize Social Security Benefits in 2024? Do you want to select the BEST strategy by applying for the right benefits at the right time?  We can help you with our Social Security Planning and Consulting.

    I am Gregory Lazarev, the President of Liberty Medicare.  For more than ten years, we have been helping clients to make the best choices in Medicare and Social Security. I hold the prestigious National Social Security Advisor Certificate. It is the gold standard in Social Security certification and training in the nation.

    We’ll help to maximize your Social Security by:

    • Considering all possible filing options and choosing the BEST strategy to increase your lifetime Social Security benefits.
    • Getting an unlimited number of WHAT-IF strategies.
    • Learning When to File, What to File, and How to File.
    • Getting a Personalized Custom Report and step-by-step instructions.
    • Making the process transparent and EASY to USE.

    To maximize Social Security Benefits in 2024, ask for the Social Security Questionnaire, fill it and send it to us.  Alternatively, you may download  a PDF questionnaire or fill an online web form. Using Liberty Medicare, you will get the excellent service, save time, money and avoid future frustrations.

    Learn more about our Consulting Services.

    Why do you need our help?

    Why do you need our Help?

    Here are several reasons why you may need our help:

    • Most People Make the Wrong Choices about How and When to File
      • 70% of Americans Leave Money on The Table. It costs on average about $120,000 per couple.
    • Social Security is a comprehensive and tangled object that includes a set of complex legal documents!
      • There are almost 3,000 Social Security rules, and there are over 9,200 strategies for a typical couple.
    • Social Security is legally prohibited from providing advice. They are basically just order takers and don’t have the tools to make a proper recommendation.
    • For most Financial Advisors and Planners, Social Security is secondary, and they don’t know how to maximize it.
    • By dealing with our experts on Social Security benefits, you will get excellent service, save time and money.

    What can we do for you?

    What can we do for you?

    Our expertise in conjunction with the advanced Social Security software allows us to provide the following Social Security Consulting services:

    • Maximize your Social Security benefits by providing the BEST claiming strategy
    • Review all your Social Security options: Retirement Benefits, Spousal & Divorced Spousal Benefits, Widow & Divorced Widow Benefits, Disability Benefits, etc.
    • Decide which benefits to take and when to take them.
    • Deliver the Detailed Personalized Custom Report
    • Provide step-by-step guidance
    • Present the unlimited number of WHAT-IF strategies based on:
      • Filing Dates
      • Mapping of Filing Dates into Retirement / Spousal / Survivor/ Divorced Spousal / Divorced Survivor Dates
      • Life Expectancy
      • Inflation Rate and Nominal Rate of Return
    • File your Social Security benefits (optional)