Social Security Consulting Services in 2025
The complexity of Social Security makes use of Social Security Consulting Services in 2025 very appealing. It helps to maximize Social Security benefits, save time, money and avoid future surprises and disappointments.
Liberty Medicare Social Security Consulting Services in 2025 include:
- Review your Social Security past earning records.
- Present all possible filing options and choose the BEST claiming strategy to maximize your lifetime Social Security benefits.
- Learn
- When to apply for Social Security benefits
- What account to use (self, spouse, ex-spouse, etc.)
- How to apply
- Get an unlimited number of WHAT-IF strategies. They are based on your specific needs and available options, such as life expectancy.
- Get a Personalized Custom Report and Detailed Step-by-Step Guidance.
- Consider unique issues, such as divorce, remarriage, widow, etc.
Our clients are single individuals, married couples, as well as widowed or divorced individuals. We hold the prestigious National Social Security Advisor Certificate.
Liberty Medicare Social Security Consulting Services in 2025 – Process and Fees
- From this page, ask for the Social Security questionnaire. Alternatively, you may download a PDF questionnaire or fill an online web form.
- Send us the completed questionnaire and the PDF copies of your past earnings from my Social Security account (for both of you in the case of married couples).
- After reviewing the supplied information, we’ll call you back to be sure we understand your situation and needs.
- If there is a match between your needs and our expertise, we’ll quote you a fee. Then you’ll decide whether it’ll work for you.
- The payment of the anticipated consulting fee is expected before the beginning of the task.
- Our consulting fee is based on the total time spent on the assignment. The hourly fee range is from $125 to $175, depending on the complexity of the task.
- Consulting on resolving the specific issue (without producing a report) is also available with a minimum half-hour charge.
- If you need help with the Online Social Security Benefit Application, there is a separate $175 fee.